Introducing the AI in Public Health Decisions Toolkit
A 5-step set of resources designed to help those who need it to make decisions around AI systems and Public Health
How to use the AI in Public Health Decisions Toolkit
This Toolkit can guide you through the process of deciding whether an AI system’s recommendation should be used. We have tried to design it so that anyone can use it, whether you are a Public Health decisionmaker looking to design services with the help of an AI system, or a member of the public on an advisory board, or even someone creating a new AI system.
This Toolkit is built around the 5-step process outlined below. It contains a set of downloadable, accessible resources to be used along the process. If you prefer, however, you can access resources separately, and you can jump straight to asking questions about the AI system here.
The 5-step process when deciding if an AI system’s
recommendation should be used
Step 1: Find out about the decision being made and who’s affected by it.
Step 2: Would you like to learn a bit more about AI in general? If so, this 2-minute video about AI systems is a good start.
Step 3: Consider what you’d like to know about this AI system. You can use the ‘Not sure what to ask?’ guide in the resource set to help you choose what to ask.
Step 4: Consider your overall opinion of this AI system. You can use the ‘Your personal views’ tool in the resource set to help you decide.
Step 5: Share your opinion. Share your views about whether the AI system’s recommendation should be used to help make this decision. This could include taking a vote.
The set of downloadable resources

1. Introduction to the 5-step process
This document introduces the reasons why it is important to consider the pros and cons of the AI system being used to make a public health decision and outlines the 5-step process.

2. Mindmap of questions to ask
This document contains two mindmaps, one with questions to consider asking about the AI system, the other for you to fill in with your own questions.

3. Bank of questions to ask
This document contains the same questions as the mindmap, but in a list format in case you prefer a more structured view than a mindmap.

4. Thinking about the answers to your questions
You’ve asked questions about the AI system, but you might wonder what makes a good answer. This document helps you consider the quality of the answers.

5. Thinking about your personal views
Some people might be happy with an answer to a question, while others might still have concerns. If you wish, you can use this document to think about your personal views on what you’ve found out about the AI system.